Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Top 5 Thrifting Finds

As you may have already read my Top 5 *50 off* Thrifting Finds post I decided to share my all around Top 5 Thrifting Finds! Now these finds are not limited to strictly Goodwill like my other post was. These are my absolute favorite, once in a lifetime, never will forget top 5 thrifting items I've gotten throughout the past 4 years! Whether it be from a tag sale, flea market, Savers, Goodwill or just a local thrift store, here are my Top 5 favorite thrifting finds!

5. Chicago Roller Skates, $20 ($19 after my 5% discount!) Soooo can we talk about nostalgia? Because these actually scream it. I used to roller blade almost everyday when I was younger, though I wasn't very good at it. Regardless, I was dying to find a pair of retro skates to remember my childhood and I've actually seen them making a comeback. Now, these are much more easier to skate in than blades and since my clumsiness hasn't gotten any better over the years, when I came across these BRAND NEW skates they had my name written all over them. I haven't skated with them yet but I will be come Spring!

4. Sleeping Beauty snow globe and Princess Aurora "Jim Shore" figurine. These were found over the summer and the snow globe was the first Sleeping Beauty item I've ever found thrifting and in perfect shape nonetheless! No bubbles or discoloration in the water, no chips or breaks in the ceramic. I couldn't put it down once it was in my hands so I knew it was coming home with me! The Princess Aurora figurine was found at our local monthly flea market, right up the street from our house. I've seen these hand crafted Disney figurines by Jim Shore before and knew I wanted one for my collection so for $2 I immediately said "I'll take it"! I love every Disney Princess so the more merchandise the better! Since this Princess Aurora Jim Shore piece I've added a Belle and Elsa one to my collection as well. I'm now asking for more of these as Christmas gifts because they are so beautiful and I love seeing them on my bookcase shelves!

3. Olive Green Rain Jacket, the story behind this still amazes me to this day. So as I talked about in my Thrifting Tips post, Target donates their clearance items to Goodwill. Now obviously I still actually go to Target every chance I can because their stuff is amazing, but one day I decided to try on this super cute rain jacket and it fit perfectly. The length fell at just the right spot on my hips, I had room to move around and layer clothes so I fell in love... until I saw that price sticker, $39.99! Sometimes I just cannot fathom spending retail so I had to put this jacket back on the hanger and walk away. But don't get your hopes up yet because about 3 weeks later I FOUND THE SAME JACKET AT GOODWILL IN MY SIZE... FOR ONLY $6!!! YES $6!!! My heart dropped, I was ecstatic, I grabbed that jacket and literally ran to Zachary to show him (He was standing right next to me at Target and knew how much I loved it) and we both couldn't believe it. I wore that jacket so much last year that I already have a hole in the arm, but I sewed it up so it's ready for Fall and Winter! I just can't let it go yet! Here's a photo of Zachary and I Christmas Tree shopping last year, I'm wearing the coat!

2. Harry Potter Collector's Edition Books. 2 of these books were bought at the same time and the other was actually found in Pennsylvania while on our way to a mini weekend vacation, but since they are all Harry Potter related I included them as one awesome find. I came across the Harry Potter Film Screen for $10 at a thrift store in Pennsylvania! I was hesitant to get it because there is a rip on the spine but deep down I knew this was a one in a million find (and if I did end up coming across another having 2 isn't a big deal right?). Zach convinced me to buy it and I'm so happy I did. I held that book like a baby walking out of Goodwill that day and now when I see it on my shelf I not only remember the deal I got, but also the fun weekend vacation we had. The other 2 books were found at one of our local stores, and Zach actually grabbed these for me. He walked by the book section right as an employee was putting these on the shelf. They were only available for about 30 seconds before they were in his hands. Want to know the price? They were $2 each! How incredible is that?!

1. What could my top thrifting find be? It couldn't possibly be a book could it? Yup, it definitely is a book! Here we have The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh. Now every single one of the books I've thrifted should be on this list but to keep matters short I narrowed it down to my all time, absolute favorite book. I actually read this first on my kindle when it was on sale for $1.99 and immediately fell in love on the first page. The story has so much depth with an intense plot, interesting characters and it was so hard to put down. I recommend it to everyone and my review for it can be found here! However, since I had a Ebook my heart was set on finding a hardcover copy for my collection, and the day eventually came when I found it in perfect condition sitting on the shelf of a Goodwill for only $2! I left with the biggest smile on my face that day and it still remains just thinking about this book. A few months later I found the paperback copy at a different GW for $1! You better believe I snatched it up quick, because I obviously need more than 1 edition of my favorite.

So there's my Top 5 favorite finds! It was so hard for me to choose only 5 because we find so many awesome things a week! I actually had to rewrite this original post because my Top 5 changed. With that being said I decided to start a weekly blog post of everything I thrift each week, launching within the month or so. The days I post will vary because sometimes we come home empty handed, but right now I plan to get one out every Friday! I'm looking forward to writing these and this way I won't have to think of my top favorite finds because I'll be sharing them as I find them! So please stay tuned for these upcoming posts! Thank you and take care!

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