
Hello, my name is Amanda! I'm a 28 year old thrift shopper who currently lives in Connecticut with my boyfriend, Zachary, and our two cats. I'm a Hufflepuff who deeply loves to read all genres in YA fiction. I've always had a passion for reading but it became quite serious when Zachary and I started thrift shopping back in 2013 and I soon realized how many amazing books I could find at such a bargain deal. I'd pile my shopping cart up and would come home with new releases, classics, and even entire series all for an outstanding price. Zach and I also love to collect Funko Pops!, watch tons of movies and play video games. So in order to keep our collection growing we run to our local thrift shops, sometimes on a daily basis, to see what we can find. Thrifting instantly became something that we both enjoyed to do together and to this day we are still amazed by some of the things we see. While having our own and different interests it really makes the experience great because we never know what we'll find. So therefore comes this blog, a spot for me to dedicate all of my loves into one. If you're interested in reading about book reviews, movie reviews, Funko Pops!, thrifting finds with a little bit of video games thrown in, then you've come to the right place and I'm so happy to have you!

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