Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Top 5 To Be Read

I'll admit it my To-Be-Read (TBR) shelf on Goodreads is way out of control. I've had way too many longing days of effortlessly clicking that "Want to Read" button therefore sending my number into the hundreds. From time to time I'll go through my TBR to delete titles I no longer am interested in, but somehow it never seems to go down, which is probably because for every book deleted I add 10 more... hey, I can't help it!

So my Top 5 TBR, the books I'll never take off my TBR list no matter how many years pass since release date are,

5. Shatter me by Tahereh Mafi - I've heard nothing but great things about The Shatter Me series, and with Tahereh's announcement of 3 more books added I need to dive into this soon. However, the main reason this is still on my TBR is because I only own books 1 & 3! While thrifting for books is fun it's also very stressful because I find most of series out of order and I rarely start series that have been published entirely without having them all. So I'm patiently... no, very impatiently waiting to find Unravel Me!

4. A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab - Believe me, I am well aware that I have a lot of catching up to do with V.E. Schwab, and I'm a little shocked myself that this series is still on my TBR list. I deeply want and NEED to read ADSOM as soon as possible because there's not a doubt in my mind that I'll love it.

3. Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes - I am in love with this series so far but unfortunately the ending for this book was spoiled for me. I was actually looking at a different book review when someone mentioned Crystal Storm and just BAM! wrote the spoiler without a single warning. I was crushed, heartbroken and was actually put into a 3 month reading slump because of it (if I'm being honest I'm still not 100% out of the slump). The Falling Kingdom series instantly became a favorite of mine so not being able to experience that ending for myself hurt so much. I will absolutely be finding the strength to read this before Immortal Reign is released in February though.

2. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo - The Grisha Series is absolutely, positively, most definitely one of the most amazing series I've ever read. Seriously, I recommend this series to everyone. Leigh is an amazing author however The Six of Crows duology has been staring at me from my shelf for far too long, so I really need to consider starting this sooner rather than later.

1. Warcross by Marie Lu - Okay so I know this book hasn't been released yet, but I literally picture the day when I can devour it come September far more often than I should. I want to read this so badly that my heart has started beating quicker just mentioning the title. It's my absolute most wanted read right now and the fact that I have to wait 2 more months is killing me. I've never read a Marie Lu book before (I know, I know, WHAT?!) but after Warcross my plan is to take Legend, Prodigy and Champion head on!

So there's my Top 5 TBR, unfortunately I'm not able to show off any gorgeous photos of Warcross since it's not out yet. I'm certain this list will be changing soon because writing this post actually makes me want to grab one of these off my shelf and start reading. Have you read any of these books? Are they your favorites? Stay tuned for another Top 5 down the road! Hopefully all 5 of these, including their sequels, will be marked of my list! Thanks for reading, take care!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Uppercase Box - June

I've been a subscriber to Uppercase Box for about 2 years now, and I'm just as excited and surprised by the content I receive each month to this day. What exactly is Uppercase Box you ask? Well it's an amazing monthly YA book subscription box featuring a new released signed book, and fun bookish items all picked out by Uppercase founder Lisa Parkin. The genres vary from month to month so it's definitely a great way to broaden the types of YA you read, which is something I've been trying to do myself. My very first fantasy (Truthwitch) and sci-fi novel (Starflight) were read because they were an Uppercase pick. From that point on it's hard for me not to picture my "Your Uppercase Has Been Shipped" email appearing every month around the 15th, and you know I'm that girl who refreshes the tracking every hour. So with that being said here I have to show you another great months's box, June's Uppercase. Included inside was Song of the Current by Sarah Tolcser and a map to go along with the book. A tote bag designed by Allison Cole, and a Book Nerd lapel pin by Jubly Umph.

I haven't had a chance to start Song of the Current but I was very familiar with the book prior to release date because I was following the author, Sarah, on my social media. I was so excited to finally have it in my hands!
Here's the summary:
Caroline Oresteia is destined for the river. For generations, her family has been called by the river god, who has guided their wherries on countless voyages throughout the Riverlands. At seventeen, Caro has spent years listening to the water, ready to meet her fate. But the river god hasn’t spoken her name yet—and if he hasn’t by now, there’s a chance he never will. Caro decides to take her future into her own hands when her father is arrested for refusing to transport a mysterious crate. By agreeing to deliver it in exchange for his release, Caro finds herself caught in a web of politics and lies, with dangerous pirates after the cargo—an arrogant courier with a secret—and without the river god to help her. With so much at stake, Caro must choose between the life she always wanted and the one she never could have imagined for herself.

Please stay tuned for my review once I get around to reading this awesome book and be sure to check out Uppercase Box if you haven't already! I know there a few other YA book subscription boxes out there but so far Uppercase is the only one I've tried, but I know you will not regret buying this box if your a huge YA fiction fan! Take care and happy reading!