Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Thrifting Tips

Before I post more about my thrift store finds I want to share some helpful tips, that I've found work for me, in case you ever decide to check out your local thrift store! Which I highly recommend you do because it's extremely fun to see all the items people donate. Thrifting has brought countless times of nostalgia and has become a way of life for me these past 4 years. My boyfriend and I even map out thrift store while we go on vacation. We find the road trip to and from to be just as exciting as the actual vacation because of the flea markets we stop at! Thrifting is a great way to save and budget your money. People donate unwanted items to places like Goodwill, Savers, Salvation Army (depending on which state you live in these names may vary) and sell them for a reduced retail price. So therefore here are some tips on how to thrift, now please keep in mind that I've created these tips based off my personal experience so some may work for you and some may not. Nevertheless, enjoy!

Tip #1: Go thrifting as often as you can! Thrift store inventories change daily and you never know what people may have donated that day. I've noticed that Goodwill is very good about getting their donated items into the store as quickly as possible. So if you go a few days a week you'll be able to notice items that you've already seen and spot the newer items quickly. Also it doesn't matter what time of day you go because people are constantly bringing their donations to thrift stores. We've tend to stick to mornings but also enjoy going in the afternoon, new items are always being brought out so go whenever you have time!

Tip #2: *Applies for Goodwill only* Look for Target items! Ask your Goodwill if Target has a donation drop off day and when it is, but make sure you ask because not every Goodwill will have this. There are many Goodwill's around me but we've only found 5 that receive clearance/returned Target items. But who doesn't love Target, right?! It's definitely my favorite day to shop at Goodwill! I've gotten brand new clothes, shoes, handbags, video games, books, household items, office supplies, heating units, makeup, candles and so much more! We normally spend hours at our Goodwill's "Target day" waiting for bins to come out. If your store does not know which day Target comes, just remember that all Target items should be priced with a white sticker, and are normally priced for half of what the item was on clearance! What a deal!!

Tip #3: Become familiar with the "Color of the Week". So unfortunately the color of the week does not apply to Target white sticker-ed items, however, the normal Goodwill price sticker colors are, red, yellow, green, and blue. All stickers with the "color of the week" are marked 50% off. This is a huge way to save money, especially on clothing. I normally only buy clothes if they are the color of the week (unless they are from Target). I've gotten jeans for $3, button up shirts for $2.50 and even boots for $7.50 all brand new, this way. We've also added numerous Blu-ray movies to our collection for $1.50 with the color of the week sale. There are usually many signs around each store that tell you what the color of the week is, but if you are unsure, just ask an employee!

Tip #4: Be aware of over pricing! I can't stress this enough, please, please, please do not think that just because you are buying something from a thrift store that it means you are getting a good price. Ebay has become a very handy app while I thrift to look up what certain items are really selling for. I've seen thrift store prices similar to ones on Ebay and sometimes more. There have been times where the store has print outs from Ebay showing us what the item is selling for and pricing theirs a few dollars less. Which yes, the lower price is obviously better but you still do not need to be spending $25-$45 on used clothes, jeans and shoes when you can drive to the mall and get them new and maybe cheaper. I've also come across movies priced for double of what Walmart was selling them. This tip also includes the donated Target items because at times Goodwill prices merchandise for more than what it was on clearance, it doesn't happen often but still helps to be aware. So just be very cautious and don't be afraid to look online to see if you can get it cheaper elsewhere!

Tip #5: Take advantage of the membership card! This is just a little extra way to discount your entire purchase. Not every thrift store offers memberships but I know Goodwill and Savers does, and each has their own great perks. For instance at Goodwill if you spend more than $20 at any time you'll receive a 5% discount for being a member, and during your birthday month you'll receive 25% off a one time purchase! Savers sends you e-mails letting you know when member only sales are taking place and gives you 20% off your purchase the day of your birthday! Again, based off where you live these perks may be different so just ask when you sign up! Every penny counts while thrifting!

Tip #6: Look through the entire store before leaving! My boyfriend Zachary mainly thrifts for video games and movies while I thrift for books, now I can't begin to tell you how many times I've come across games and movies crammed in the book section, or sometimes even in the clothing sections. People may pick up an item, walk around with it, decide they no longer want it and drop it into the first spot they see. So keep your eyes open, especially if you are looking for a specific item or items. Don't give up hope, it just might not be placed in the section it should be!

I hope you enjoyed my thrifting tips! Please feel free to ask any questions, if I come up with any more tips I'll be sure to post them in the future! Take care and happy hunting!

Friday, June 23, 2017


Welcome everyone to my first official blog post and thank you for taking the time to read a little more about me! Hello, My name is Amanda, I'm 27 years old and live in Connecticut. I've thought about creating a blog for sometime now but wasn't exactly sure if it was for me. Just last year I started posting my book reviews on Goodreads and quickly began to love it. Now that I've been doing that for a while I've decided that I wanted to open up by own little space to talk about the many things I love, and not just books. So, I'll be updating my posts as often as possible ranging from a variety of topics, such as books, movies, TV shows, Funko Pops!, thrift store finds and more! My boyfriend, Zachary and I are huge thrift shoppers (we thrift about 5 times a week) so I'm definitely looking forward to sharing our finds along with some thrifting tips. We're also huge movie fans so I know that's a topic I'd love to discuss more of. I'm so excited for this new journey and hope you will stay along for the ride! I have my many ideas stewing in my mind for future posts so to stay updated I'd greatly appreciate if you subscribed to my blog! Thank you so so much again, and I'd love to hear any feedback you have for first time bloggers! Take care!