
Friday, June 23, 2017

Welcome everyone to my first official blog post and thank you for taking the time to read a little more about me! Hello, My name is Amanda, I'm 27 years old and live in Connecticut. I've thought about creating a blog for sometime now but wasn't exactly sure if it was for me. Just last year I started posting my book reviews on Goodreads and quickly began to love it. Now that I've been doing that for a while I've decided that I wanted to open up by own little space to talk about the many things I love, and not just books. So, I'll be updating my posts as often as possible ranging from a variety of topics, such as books, movies, TV shows, Funko Pops!, thrift store finds and more! My boyfriend, Zachary and I are huge thrift shoppers (we thrift about 5 times a week) so I'm definitely looking forward to sharing our finds along with some thrifting tips. We're also huge movie fans so I know that's a topic I'd love to discuss more of. I'm so excited for this new journey and hope you will stay along for the ride! I have my many ideas stewing in my mind for future posts so to stay updated I'd greatly appreciate if you subscribed to my blog! Thank you so so much again, and I'd love to hear any feedback you have for first time bloggers! Take care!

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Kris said...

So excited for you, love!! I can't wait to read more! ❤️

Amanda Reads said...

Thank you!! and thank you for helping me!